* This is a database of registered Newfoundland and Labrador Doctors.

Physician Peer Review Program

Physician Peer Review Program

The steps in a typical peer review process are as follows:

  1. Determination of eligibility – Physicians will be asked to respond to a questionnaire to determine their eligibility to participate in PPR-NL. Responses will help the College determine whether, for example, a member is considering maternity/paternity leave, or is near retirement.
  2. Supporting information requested – Physicians who are selected to participate will be asked to provide additional information about their type and location of practice, as well as about their administrative processes.
  3. Depth of review determined – Once selected for participation in peer review, physicians will be assigned one of three initial depths of review – onsite, offsite, and internal review.
  4. Review conducted – A peer reviewer is assigned and the review is conducted. An onsite practice review will typically involve a site visit that will involve an assessment of clinical processes and procedures, documentation, and patient care. Peer reviewers will gain insight into patient management through a review of patient records, as well as by having conversations with the physician, to help reviewers gain an understanding of the “story of the patient”.
  5. College reviews results – The College consults with the peer reviewer regarding the results of the review.
  6. Report provided – Physicians are provided with a written report of the results of the review.
  7. Peer reviewer and physician discuss results – Peer reviewers will discuss the review with the physician. The reviewer will touch on the physician’s approach to their practice, and will highlight any opportunities for practice improvement identified through the review. Where necessary, reviewed physicians will get specific feedback and support to help address identified weaknesses in their practice.
  8. Action plan – The physician will prepare a brief action plan, which is intended to carry forward the suggestions for linking professional development to opportunities for practice improvement identified in the review.