* This is a database of registered Newfoundland and Labrador Doctors.

Peer Reviewers

Peer Reviewers

The College’s peer reviewers are physicians trained to not only assess physicians practices but to offer recommendations to continuously improve patient care.

Each PPR-NL peer reviewer attends a training workshop before conducting assessments on behalf of the College. A peer reviewer conference will be held annually to provide reviewers with an opportunity to share experiences, network, and to offer input into program enhancements.

Peer reviewers use discipline-specific assessment procedures and tools to help reviewed physicians reflect on their practice and identify opportunities to improve. Reviewers will provide feedback, and will assist the College and the physician in identifying resources for practice improvement.

Due to increasing practice specialization, it is not always possible to pair a reviewer with the same specialty certification as the physician whose practice is being reviewed. In such cases, the College will make every effort to ensure the closest possible match between the reviewer’s and physician’s scopes of practice.

College members who are interested in becoming peer reviewers are invited to contact the College for more information.