* This is a database of registered Newfoundland and Labrador Doctors.

Physician Peer Review (PPR-NL)

Physician Peer Review-NL (PPR-NL)

Peer review is a requirement under the Medical Act, 2011, and is important in medical self-regulation. Peer review helps physicians to maintain standards of quality care in their practice, while also identifying opportunities for quality improvement.

The Physician Peer Review Program (PPR-NL) is the College’s peer review program. PPR-NL blends traditional quality assurance elements of peer review—patient record reviews and practice visits—with new approaches to quality improvement. By emphasizing proactive support, education, and reflection on practice, the program will highlight what physicians do well, and offer practical suggestions for improvement in specific areas. PPR-NL will help physicians focus their professional development efforts to benefit patients.

The goal of peer assessment is to ensure physicians meet a standard level of practice as well as to identify potential areas for  improving practices already meeting or exceeding standards.